How to fix Uncategorized Income and Expenses in QuickBooks Online
One faithful day, Jeff opened his QuickBooks Online company file to view his Profit & Loss report. He hadn’t looked through his QBO company in a while, but with tax time approaching, he wanted to make sure that nothing unusual stood out. But as Jeff looked through the Profit & Loss report, he saw two strange accounts: Uncategorized Income and Uncategorized Expense . He couldn’t remember how these accounts even got there. He thought he was doing everything right, but now he wasn’t so sure. Jeff shuddered with disbelief – his tax accountant was not going to like this. Jeff knew that he had to take action, but he didn’t know where to begin. If you’re like Jeff, and you have uncategorized income and uncategorized expenses on your books, then stick around as I show you how to fix uncategorized income and expenses in QuickBooks Online. FAQ: Why do we see uncategorized income and expenses in QuickBooks Online? One of the most common problems that I see on the Profit & Loss re...