3 essential financial strategies you should implement in 2018
I remember clearly when a popular social media strategist asked me “ Do you have a marketing strategy for 2018 ?” I didn’t expect that she would ask me that question. After all, I had just met her at a marketing conference. I nervously thought to myself…“ I know I have a marketing plan but I’m not 100% sure if I have a marketing strateg y.” I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of this person so I told her, “ of course I have marketing strategy !” I walked away thinking that I needed to get a marketing strategy and fast! Strategy has been a popular word in 2017. Everybody is calling themselves a “strategist” these days – social media strategists, branding strategists, business strategists, and more. Well, now it’s my turn to make you slightly nervous. My question to you is “Do you have a business financial strategy for 2018?”. Before you say “yes” without even knowing what financial strategy is, I’m going to share with you the 3 essential financial strategies you should implemen...